2:45 PM

Psychology VS. Wildlife Biology

Ok, so I have been debating on switching my major and taking a break from college for a year. I would value opinions on this idea. Here is what I ahve come up with

  • I have been told I'd do good as a psychologist and I have a natural knack for helping people with problems.
  • However, I LOVE nature and I find some aspects of biology fascinating.
  • I am not looking forward to the hard math classes I have to take for biology, Psychology on the other hand I would be done with my math and no CHEMISTRY. :D
  • I would be closer to at least some of my family and I wouldn't have to tough it out in the -50 degree weather in Fairbanks.
  • Biology has a lot of out in the field study (which is what I want) but doesn't mean I can physically go days on end packing a backpack up steep mountains due to my back problems. Psychology is sitting behind a desk lol :D
  • I will have to wait a LONG time before I can do what I want in the Wildlife Biology field and I wouldn't always be sure I'd have a job. I possibly won't even be in the field at all. Stuck in a laboratory (which I hate labs) doing stuff I don't enjoy.
  • Psychology come natural to me however, I don't like drama or people for that matter hahaha :D But I love to help people out with their problems.
On a side note, I have also been thinking that I could combine it in a way. Why not pursue a different career and on the side obtain an atlas of mammals, take trips to Denali and observe the wolves there. Go camping and hiking (at own pace) and other outdoor activities with a different objective yet still have fun. I may not get the interaction I've always dreamed of, but who is to say I could even as a Wildlife Biologist?

So my family what do you think? I have a good idea of where this is going to head, but I would like opinions. I know in the end it's my decision, but I like hearing what others have to say.

12:09 AM

Eyes of Faith

As I sat here after watching the movie "Charly" well during the last part of it, I was moved to heavy tears. At the end she's always trying to get her baby to say Momma and finally he does at the very end. I know it's not the same, but I realized that I wanted it. I wanted so bad to have that knowledge and love that I would have an eternal family. I realized I wanted it with every fiber of my being. I wanted to be the perfect mormon mom who had her family and faith. After the movie I started listening to Hilary Weeks and this song "Eyes of Faith" has always hit me the strongest. It tells me what I must do and what can come of it. I love the song and it speaks to me. I am so blessed to have the support of my family behind me. I know the lord has something special for me and that if I try and have faith I can have what I want most in this world now. Not my education, not my career path, or friends. I want an eternal family and I want to be with my lord in heaven someday. I want to be able to look at him and know that I am worthy of it. That's just what I had thoughts about.