8:34 PM


As I was watching "Little Women" a comment made by Jo after Beth's death hit me hard. "Will we never all be together again?" It cut me deep realizing how homesick I was for my family...my siblings and how I miss them so. It made waiting for these next few weeks even harder. Christmas I won't be ashamed to say I will bawl my eyes out. I have been over sensitive lately for some odd reason and I'm missing home more and more. I miss going on vacations and sitting around the dinner table. I miss the games and the piling up on mom and dad's bed to just be pests. All in all I just miss everyone..... I love you guys.


Barbara said...

Just be patient. You'll be with everyone soon. Unfortunately, this is the sucky part of growing up, but the great thing is appreciating more all of the times when you are together.


I follow your blog, sweetheart, I just haven't left comments. I will now. I will always follow your life, love you, and wish you well.
